The Country Swing is a relative of the Hustle, a partner dance popularized in nightclubs during the disco era. It features lots of turns and a classic swing maneuver called a rock step. Other names for this same dance include the Pony Swing and the 4-Count Swing. This dance, performed in place, works especially well on crowded dance floors.
Country Swing is not as well defined and has many variations to the basic footwork. It does not have a fixed pattern and can be different depending on the region. These can be seen on the country dance floor or country social gatherings.
Country swing is often referred to as a rotational “spiny” dance and can be very athletic and generally for the younger crowd. Country swing can be done to all Texas and Arizona 2-Step music.
It is recommended that country dancers learn East Coast and West Coast swing before attempting Country Swing because they are multipurpose, much more defined, can be less strenuous, and danced the same everywhere.
Here is a video describing the three types of swing dances (East Coast, West Coast, and Country Swing).